Food and Nutrition

We provide food programs to help improve the nutrition of people in low-income households. Review our programs below for more information and eligibility.

<a href=Grocery paper bag with fresh organic vegetables, fruits, meat." />

The CalFresh Program (formerly known as Food Stamps) improves people's nutrition in low-income households by increasing their food-buying power so that they can purchase sufficient food to meet their household's needs.

More Information & Eligibility Details about CalFresh Apply for Food Assistance (CalFresh) at BenefitsCal CalFresh and EBT News and Updates

Man's hand holding a megaphone.

Please check here to find all the most up-to-date news and announcements regarding CalFresh benefits and the Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) program!

CalFresh Updates and EBT News Restaurant Meals Program

Group of pasta and spaghetti packages.

The Restaurant Meals Program allows homeless, disabled, and elderly (age 60 and over) receiving CalFresh benefits to use their Golden State Advantage (EBT) cards to purchase meals from participating restaurants.

More Information & Eligibility Details about the Restaurant Meals Program Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Card

EBT Card Image

If you are eligible for CalFresh assistance, you will receive an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) debit card. You can use your EBT card to purchase food items at participating grocery stores, order grocery online for pick up or delivery at participating grocery stores, and participating Farmers' Markets.

More Information & Eligibility Details about EBT CalFresh Outreach

Here are additional resources for further interest in the CalFresh program. There is an Outreach Toolkit to assist agencies in conducting the most effective CalFresh outreach possible, a list of community partners to assist the public with applying for CalFresh benefits, and more.

More Information & Eligibility Details about CalFresh Outreach Additional Nutrition Assistance Resources

In addition to the CalFresh Program, there are additional nutrition assistance resources to help put food on your table!